Faced with ongoing cuts to funding, public sector agencies need to leverage advanced analytics to improves outcomes for vulnerable groups, and in doing so address the demand for interventions that are causing the greatest financial pressure.

Applying advanced analytics (AI, machine learning etc) to address this challenge requires a range of new skills and the integration of disparate technologies (new and legacy platforms) – and to deliver real change this needs to happen across partner organisations.

Critically, organisations (and partnerships) need to make sure that these technologies are being deployed in an ethical way that protects the privacy rights of the public as well as protecting the rights of vulnerable people – who are at greater risk if data is not shared.

In this context, over the past 10 years, we have worked with central and local government clients to evolve the Fusion platform. This platform has been designed to accelerate the adoption of advanced analytics and provide the controls to ensure that these technologies are being deployed in a way that addresses key ethical and Information Governance challenges.

The Fusion platform is being configured to better target early help services and reduce financial pressures in several business domains, including;

· children’s services,

· adult social care and health,

· housing / homelessness,

· community safety

In all these deployments, very careful consideration is given by data owners as to what data will be supplied and under what circumstances it can be shared.

Critically, the Fusion platform only shares data about vulnerable people if they are showing signs of distress and where there is already an agency / professional working with family. The system does not make any decisions about subsequent interventions or services; these decisions should be and are always be made by professionals / case workers.

In common with other parts of the public and private sector, public sector agencies have an opportunity to become more efficient and effective through the application of advanced analytics.

The Fusion platform helps our clients improve outcomes for vulnerable people as well as target their limited resources more effectively.