Is RBV still relevant after UC roll out?

Is RBV still relevant after UC roll out?

When circular S11/2011 was issued RBV (Risk Based Verification) had already been around a couple of years following lengthy testing and pilot phases. A decade on and with Universal Credit roll out gathering pace is RBV still relevant? Universal Credit (UC) is here,...
Is RBV still relevant after UC roll out?

Maximising the impact of early help resources

Faced with ongoing cuts to funding, public sector agencies need to leverage advanced analytics to improves outcomes for vulnerable groups, and in doing so address the demand for interventions that are causing the greatest financial pressure. Applying advanced...
Is RBV still relevant after UC roll out?

Public Finance Innovation Award Winners 2018

We were delighted to have been awarded the Public Finance Awards, Solutions Partner of the year 2018. The award was for the work we have been doing with London Ventures (London Councils and EY) to deliver cost savings and efficiency benefits to our children’s services...