Circle overview

Circle overview

Free to download and free to use, circle keeps you in touch with friends, relatives, parents and children, letting them know you are safe, where you are or alerting them if you need assistance. What is circle? Circle is a general safety app. Circle has been designed...
Circle overview

Early Help Profiling System

Version 1.0 of Xantura’s Early Help Profiling System model is now built and is performing well. Four Local Authorities are moving into a controlled pilot phase and embedding the system within their front door processes. The model is identifying families who urgently...
Circle overview

IRRV Performance Award Winners October 2015

Our congratulations go to both East Riding Council Benefits Team (Winners of the Benefits Team of the Year) and to the London Borough of Southwark Benefits Team (Highly Commended) at the annual IRRV conference held in Telford. Both of the successful teams utilise the...